Shield volcanoes are distinguished by their broad, gently sloping profiles, resembling a warrior’s shield. These are primarily formed by the eruption of low-viscosity lava that flows over great distances. Eruptions are typically less explosive and consist of a steady flow of lava. Mauna LoaandMau...
First of all, the active volcanoes are divided into two groups according to the frequency of eruption. One includes those volcanoes which are literally active with eruptions every few years; they usually have a persistent open crater from which the eruptions are taking place. Another includes ...
Typesofvolcaniceruptions Twopredominanttypesofvolcaniceruptions:1.Effusiveeruptions–magmarisesthroughthesurfaceandflowsoutofthevolcanoasaviscousliquidcalledlava.2.Explosiveeruptions–magmaistornapartasitrisesandreachesthesurfaceinpiecesknownaspyroclasts.Whydovolcanoesbehaveinsuchdifferentways?Whetheravolcanowillerupt...
Volcanologists classify eruptions into several different types. Some are named for particular volcanoes where the type of eruption is common; others concern the resulting shape of the eruptive products or the place where the eruptions occur. Here are some of the most common types of eruptions:Table...
Volcanoes are mountains that result from lava flows or eruptions. The flows and eruptions occur when magma and gases break through Earth's surface, sometimes quietly, sometimes explosively. Volcanoes–named for Vulcan, the Roman god of fire–are classified according to the kind of eruption that fo...
Lava and other volcanic matter are expelled in many distinctive ways. These ways were named after how some well-known volcanoes gave out lava. These are as follows: Strombolian eruption: In this eruption, clots of molten lava burst from the vent (summit) into the sky. It looks like firework...
where characteristic behavior is similar—hence the use of such terms as “Strombolian,”“Vulcanian,”“Vesuvian,”“Pelean,”“Hawaiian,” and others. Some volcanoes may exhibit only one characteristic type of eruption during an interval of activity—others may display an entire sequence of types...
Some of the most famous effusive volcanoes include Kilauea in Hawaii and Etna in Italy. These volcanoes are known for their long-term eruptions that produce large amounts of lava. Explosive Eruption Explosive eruptions are less common than effusive eruptions, but they can be much more violent. ...
gently sloping shield volcanoes and lava plateaus. Eruptions can form fire fountains, Lava thrust up to 50m in the air for many hours. The general eruption style is a steady lava flow from a central vent, which can produce wide lava lakes, ponds of lava forming in craters or other ...
Rhyolite Caldera Complex- these are the most explosive volcanoes. They do not look like common volcanoes -- after an eruption, the result is a caldera (crater) caused when the area around the vent collapses. Examples are Yellowstone inWyoming, USA and Lake Taupo in New Zealand (which erupted...