1) types of the national vocal music 声乐体裁 例句>> 2) Style of Musical Instrument Music 器乐体裁 3) music genres 音乐体裁 1. genres is musical works category and mode,music genresis a construct that reveal the musical works form and structure, emotional factor and traits. ...
音乐体裁(typesofmusic) typesofmusic Helpeditanencyclopedia Musicalgenreistheexistenceofworks.Nowthemusicgenre isdividedintotwocategories:vocalmusicgenre,instrumental genre. Catalog Classificationofmusicalgenres VariousgenresareintroducedbyAhlemande(Allemande,France) ...
2.Ballad歌谣--anarrativepoemoffolksongwhichtellsastoryinsimplecolloquiallanguage,usuallyinfour-linestanzaswiththesecondandfourthlinesrhymed--theborderareabetweenEnglandandScotland--theMiddleages--commonpeople,oraltradition--traditionalballad:RobinHoodBallads--literaryballad:Coleridge:TheRimeoftheAncientMariner 3 3....
Music has been a vital part of the human experience across the world since ancient times. Musical instruments and song texts that have survived from ancient Greece and Europe demonstrate a persistent and widespread human interest in vocal and instrumental music. ...
7、 Song 歌v - a short lyric poem intended to be set to music in either vocal performance or with accompaniment of musical instrumentsv - Ben Jonson: Song: to Celia 9v4. Elegy 挽诗;挽歌;哀歌v - elegiac (Greek and Roman)v - written in couplets consisting of a hexameter line followed ...
The evolution of the rock genre has been gradual since it first came into the music scene. It has grown edgier and rougher along the way. At present, the rock vocal sounds have greatly diversified as compared to other genres. The rock singers of today, moreover, have diverse vocal styles...
Vocal Types and Ranges The operatic war in NY, c. 1880–1889 Voice Type A voice type is a singing voice identified as having certain qualities or characteristics of vocal range, vocal weight, tessitura, vocal timbre, and vocal transition points, such as breaks and lifts within the voice. ...
Baritone voices have a variety of uses in vocal music, from opera to barbershop. In this lesson, find an in-depth baritone definition, a discussion of the baritone vocal range, and a breakdown of the most popular types of baritone voices in music....
chamber music baroque early modern classical impressionism cello requiem uwielbienie classical guitar ballet class marching band indian classical japanese guitar post-romantic era french romanticism Show More Jazz jazz christmas bossa nova vocal jazz ...
Learn about opera voice types and voice parts. Explore the different vocal parts of female opera singers and male opera singers and the roles they...