Most of us are since you can find beautiful examples of pretty much every style. My wife and I are in the beginning stages of building a home and we’re pretty set on a modern design which will incorporate plenty of windows, straight, clean lines and wood. Each type of architecture has...
Simple, chordal settings of hymn texts in the vernacular language, rather than Latin, became the foundation of congregational singing of hymns in Protestant traditions. Martin Luther called for religious music to be simplified and sung by congregations in their vernacular language rather than Latin....
Architecture, the art and technique of designing and building, as distinguished from the skills associated with construction. The practice of architecture is employed to fulfill both practical and expressive requirements, and thus it serves both utilitar
In 2015 artist Simon Terrill and the architecture collective known as Assemble was commissioned to make "The Brutalist Playground," an exhibition/installation of lost, Brutalist playgrounds made out of foam, instead of concrete. The designs were based on archival info from the Royal Institute of Br...
The Old French word romanz originally meant “the speech of the people,” or “the vulgar tongue,” from a popular Latin word, Romanice, meaning written in the vernacular, in contrast with the written form of literary Latin. Its meaning then shifted from the language in which the work was...