A simple, reliable and accurate high performance liquid chromatography(HPLC) coupled with a UV detector at varied wavelength was developed for the quantitation of two types of anti-carcinogenic compounds, namely, Kushen alkaloids(KS-As) and Kushen flavonoids(KS-Fs), in Kushen. Their remarkable ...
CHROMATOGRAPHIC detectorsFountain pen ink contains dyes, pigments, or nanoparticles as colorants; water and ethylene glycol or an organic solvent as the vehicle. The dyes in fountain pen ink are usually negatively charged acid dyes. In this study, various types of black fountain pen ...
The advantage of pipette tip SPE was reduced solvent volumes. LOQs for MISPE offline coupled with HPLC were less than 1.5 g mL and 12 ng mL for UV and fluorescence detectors, respectively. 6-Methoxy-7-hydroxycoumarin and 4-methyl-7-hydroxycoumarin were detected in Slovak Tokaj wines using ...
Kośliński P., Jarzemski P., Markuszewski M., Kaliszan R., Determination of pterins in urine by HPLC with UV and fluorescent detection using different types of chromatographic stationary phases (HILIC, RP C8, RP C18), J Pharmaceut Biomed, 91 (2014), 37-45....
Basil (Ocimum basilicum L.) is among the most widely used aromatic plants of Lamiaceae, often grown in areas where salinity is an adverse factor. Most studies on the effect of salinity on basil focused on the influence of salt stress on productive traits
2.4. HPLC-ESI-MS Analysis Silymarin compounds were quantified using a LC-MS analysis that was performed on a Water 2695 Alliance (Waters-Micromass, Manchester, UK) coupled with a single quadrupole mass spectrometer ZQ (Waters-Micromass, Manchester, UK). LC-ESI-MS data were collected in the po...
using liquid chromatography with organic carbon and UV254 (LC-OCD-UVD) detectors, and observed that the quantity of biopolymers (in terms of organic carbon) is well related to fouling development in microfiltration (MF) processes, without considering the presence of protein-like substances at all....