The leaves of the white oak are 4 to 9 inches long with 5 to 9 lobes. In summer leaves are bright green and turn red or brown in the fall. On young trees you may see leaves remain on the tree through out winter. Flower Color: ...
A pine tree isany coniferfrom thePinusgenus of plants, and this group includes more than 120 types of pine trees worldwide. These are evergreen conifers,woody plantsthat bear seed cones and which have bundles of needles rather than the broad leaves commonly found on deciduous trees. Pines ar...
notable invasive in Florida, Georgia, and across the South, going west to California. However, this pretty plant poses no danger in colder climates north of zone 9, where it is often used in hanging baskets. This plant can easily escape gardens and naturalize in dangerous profusion in warmer...
This evergreen variety is one of the most beautiful native trees, found in the South East US, from central Florida to North Carolina and west to Texas. But these magnolias are surprisingly hardy despite the name 'southern'. The huge fragrant white flowers can measure up to 8 inches across ...
Palm Trees Palms are common in Florida, California, Arizona, Texas and many other states. The different localities use Palms and tropical plants to make beautiful custom landscapes. Palm enthusiasts in locations further North can still enjoy the tropical beauty of landscape Palms with winter cold ...
It is a great type of coconut to use for culinary purposes. You should know that Fiji Dwarf also contains a special leaf structure with close leaflets. Its fruits are great with many benefits. No wonder Florida residents love to have the Fiji Dwarf coconut trees in their backyards....
This is an ideal seed to plant under trees. Note that there are different species of cool-season fine fescues, so be sure to plant one that’s recommended for your specific region. And fine fescue is also commonly used in seed mixes, often blended with bluegrass and ryegrass seeds. 🧰 ...
you'll see the natural habitat of the pecan tree. But pecan trees thrive across a broad swath of the continental United States in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 6 through 9. That includes California, Florida and Texas, which has selected the pecan tree as its official...
Types of Wetlands Cypress trees are common to wetlands, like these in a Charleston, S.C. swamp. Eric Keil/Aurora/Getty Images Wetlands can form naturally or through animal or human activity. Common causes of natural wetlands include:
The caterpillars of the American dagger moth are white with a few longer black "hairs" sticking out. They are sometimes called white woolly bears or white woolly worms, even though younger caterpillars are often yellow. They feed on leaves of several types of trees in the wet forests of east...