Though houseflies are rulers of the insect-scavenging world, they have many predators just waiting for a chance to gobble them up.Spiders,frogs, lizards,sparrows,wasps-- even members of the plant kingdom -- want a slice of the housefly pie. On top of that, disease-conscious humans try t...
Many of us live in cities or suburbs, with little interaction with wildlife, so we don’t know how to react or behave. We want your parks experience to be fun and safe, both for you and for the wildlife that live here. Today, let’s talk about: the types of critters you might enc...
List: Common Types of Amphibians Frogs Golden Poison Dart Frog,Spring Peeper,Barking Tree Frog,Golden Coqui,Pickerel Frog Toads Western Toad,Fowler’s Toad,Common Toad,Cane Toad,Surinam Toad Newts Red Bellied Newt,Marbled Newt,Great Crested Newt,Chinese Fire Belly Newt,Rough Skinned Newt ...
The Chinese Green Tree Viper prefers moist environments and often lives in cultivated farmland. Luckily, it’s rare to stumble on an active individual because they spend their days sleeping, preferring to hunt at night. This species eats rodents, frogs, birds, and other snakes. If you see on...
callidryas early HGCs resemble the single type of HGC described in other treefrogs; we hypothesize that these are the ancestral form. They enable the earliest hypoxia-cued hatching, but disappear, unused, before most hatching occurs. The late HGCs, which mediate most hatching, appear derived, ...
Tree frog, any of more than 800 species of typically arboreal frog occurring on all continents except Antarctica and belonging to one of several families of the order Anura. Of these, the hylid, or “true,” tree frogs from the family Hylidae are the mos