Sleeve, funnel and sticky pheromone traps were tested for monitoring the noctuid Heliothis armigera [Helicoverpa armigera] on cotton in Karnataka, India, during 1978-88. The sleeve type trap had the highest number of catches (105 adults/week), followed by the funnel trap (73.25 adults/week). ...
As an alternative, mass trapping could be used to manage low initial densities of newly arriving populations by exploiting Allee effects. In 2012 and 2013, experiments were conducted with three types of traps using a density of 40 traps per ha in open-field tomato crops in Turkey. The ...
BAIT fishingFISHING baitsBAITFISHOpera house traps are the most popular gear used to catch the oriental river prawns in the Anzali Lagoon, Iran. In this study, the effect of two kinds of baits attached to opera house traps was subjected to an evaluation from Apri...
Here, we compared trapping efficiency among seven attraction traps (three colours each of the pan and sticky traps and a yellow funnel trap) for Hymenoptera, Diptera and Coleoptera in crop fields of two cucurbitaceous species ( Cucurbita maxima and Momordica charantia ). We found wider usability ...
Our study indicated that for trends to appear in long-term trapping there was no need for the simultaneous use of both traps due to the low trapping differences between the surface and subsurface types of traps in all ecological pest groups. However, significant differences between the traps ...