There are two main types of turtles: “side-necked turtles” of suborder Pleurodira; and “hidden-neck turtles” of suborder Cryptodira; just over two thirds of turtles are hidden-neck turtles. Well-known types of turtles include tortoises, which are land-living turtles of family Testudinidae...
There is a difference between both of these species, namely that Turtles can go in water, whileTortoisesare land based creatures. Tortoises also have more rounded and dome shaped shells, while the turtle’s body is shaped better for swimming. The feet are also difference with Tortoises having ...
Reptiles are vertebrate animals belonging to the classReptilia, including the orders, families, and subfamilies of lizards, crocodiles, snakes, tortoises, and turtles. They all move by crawling on their four limbs (except snakes); in fact, the word ‘reptile’ originated from a Latin word which...
There are many different types of photography. And if you're picking up a camera for the first time, it can be confusing. There are so many styles and categories that you might not know which to choose.
What we may not know is that there is more to tortoises and turtles than slow movement and a hard shell. Turtles are some of the oldest creatures, having been around since the days of the dinosaur, and even looking a bit prehistoric. There are many different types and varieties of turtles...