Trees with compound leaves have multiple leaflets that spout from a single leaf stalk. Members of the walnut family (Juglandaceae), like the red hickory (Carya glabra); black walnut (Juglans nigra); and butternut (Juglans cinerea) all have compound leaves. Other deciduous trees with compound lea...
Plants that producewind-blown pollen, many of which are trees, make life miserable for millions of human allergy sufferers each year. A large number of tree species produce extremely small pollen particles from their male sexual parts. These trees use the wind as their favorite means of pollen...
If you've ever grown an American sweetgum tree (Liquidambar styraciflua, USDA zones 5 through 9), you may wince at its inclusion on a "best" list for fast-growing shade trees. It easily meets the criterion of "fast growing," as noted byCal Poly UFEI,with a growth rate of up to 36...
Trees Sequoia Trees Sequoia Tree Photos Silverbell Tree Pics Southern Beech Tree Spruce Tree Spruce Tree Pictures Strawberry Trees Sweetgum Trees Sycamore Tree Sycamore Tree Pics Teak Tree Pictures Tree of Heaven Pics Tree Types Tupelo Tree Photos Tree Wallpaper Walnut Tree Photos Wax Tree Pics ...
SweetgumBioenergyShort-rotation intensive tree culture is being investigated in the southern United States as a method of producing hardwood fiber, but little is known about the early productivity and nutritional needs of these systems, especially on different site types. We studied the growth and ...
The Realistic Trees and Thematic Trees preset layers are optimized for data in which the type of tree is defined for each feature by genus.
TreesA study of sludge and fertilizer applications on the development of sweetgum progeny from two different mother trees. There are significant differences in survival between the genetically different half-sib progeny. Half-sib progeny from mother tree 76-11 had 72% survival, while those from 76...
We studied the growth and foliar nutrition response of two sweetgum (Liquidambar styraciflua L.) plantations on a converted agricultural field and a pine cutover site to biannual applications of three nitrogen (N) fertilizer rates: 0, 56, and 112 kg N ha(-1). The trees did not respond ...