Collector roads are secondary roads in the hierarchy of urban roads. Collector roads are connected to sub-arterial roads. These are constructed for collection and distribution of traffic to and from local streets. Collector roads are located in residential, industrial, and commercial areas. Generally,...
RIRO intersections occur when a driveway or small street intersects an urban arterial with a median, allowing for only right turns onto and out of the arterial. Since many BRT systems have raised medians in the middle of the roadway to prevent vehicles from turning left over the center bus-...
Functional road types are local streets, which serve onlyadjacentproperties and do not carry through traffic; collector, distributor, and feeder roads, which carry only through traffic from their own area; arterial roads, which carry through traffic from adjacent areas and are the major roads within...
This kind of blocks covers a large area and is usually zoned by urban arterial roads, whose lengths are 300–500 m. It is isolated by bounded walls, fences, plants, gates, guard houses, etc., and has certain shared community facilities and internal roads inside. The wide existence of ...