In California, certain animals, such as monkeys, are illegal to keep as pets. Other common illegal pets in California include ferrets, hedgehogs, squirrels, and gerbils. In California, it is illegal to own certain types of pets. This prohibition includes 5 common animals: ferrets, hedgehogs,...
Humans have an enduring fascination with animals getting drunk in the wild, and for pretty understandable reasons. After all, you've probably seen the viral videos of squirrels feasting on fermented apples until they can no longer walk straight or bears getting lost in the sauce of buried, ferm...
Several types of squirrels can glide long distances; these are the so-called flying squirrels. The southern flying squirrel (Glaucomys volans) and the northern flying squirrel (Glaucomys sabrinus) are two species found in the U.S. Two distinct physical traits of flying squirrels are their flat...
Unlike garden strawberries, the fruits of the wild strawberry are much smaller. These fruits are edible — they’re sweet like regular strawberries — and loved by wildlife. Expect furry visitors like squirrels when wild strawberry fruits start popping up. Your pets also can eat wild strawberries ...
Acorns aren’t just for squirrels. They’re actually good for human consumption as well. You just need to remove the bitter tannins by leeching them out with boiling water. 32.Candlenuts In Hawaii, the candlenut is a symbol of enlightenment, protection, and peace. Candlenuts are cream-colore...
The American Shorthair is a popular breed in many American homes, and others worldwide. The breed traces its entry into America to the early 1600s through Spanish explorers and Jamestown settlers. The early intentions of breeding the cats were to protect crops from chipmunks and squirrels and ...
Red spruce is the major food source for many wild animals like, Red Squirrels, White tailed-deer and White-winged Crossbills. 13. Bird’s Nest Spruce or Picea Abies ‘Nidiformis’ A cultivar of Norway spruce, Picea abies ‘Nidiformis’ has a rounded, spreading habit, which makes them loo...
fruit of the white oak is a great food source for many animals and birds including raccoons, wild turkeys, squirrels, chipmunks and crows. Raccoons and opossums will use a hollow white oak tree for a den. Wildlife will also use white oak leaves and twigs to build their nests in spring....
Beatrix Potter, the author of Peter Rabbit, for example, was born in London. She wrote about the animals she knew – rabbits, ducks, badgers, frogs, hedgehogs, squirrels, moles, mice, foxes, and domestic animals such as pigs, guinea pigs, and cats. Hedgehogs are native to the U.K ...
It’s a pretty common residential tree around here, providing good shade as well as wildlife habitat (squirrels, mostly). The wood is also very strong. In the days of wooden sailing ships, Live Oak was a much sought after building material for the ships’ frames. A story is told about ...