社会科学博士:Doctor of Social Science (D.S.S)兽医学博士:Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (D.V.M)法理学博士:Doctor of Jurisprudence (J.D)司法学博士:Doctor of Judicial Science (J.S.D)工商管理博士:Doctor of Business Administration (D.B.A)会计学博士:Doctor of Accountancy (D.A...
Generally, community colleges offer degrees only at the associate level. Baccalaureate Degree Commonly known as the bachelor's degree, the baccalaureate is the basic four-year college degree; this is usually a Bachelor of Arts or a Bachelor of Science degree. A bachelor's degree program offers ...
Sociologists are concerned primarily with the study of social behavior and social interactions. A degree insociologycan lead to a number of different career paths, including positions in the criminal justice system, the education system, employment with state and federal agencies or positions with priv...
There are also more specialised types of master’s degrees, often focusing on a specific professional area. These are sometimes known as ‘tagged master’s degrees’, because they are ‘tagged’ to a certain field, or professional master’s degrees, because they focus on career development in ...
It is one of many degrees—alongside an MBA—that help build leadership qualities in an individual. If you are unclear about what path to take, talk to a mentor or admissions counselor to discuss which program is best for you, and take note of which one seems more interes...
Master of Social Work (M.S.W.) Master of Health Science (M.H.S.) Doctoral degree A doctoral degree is the highest educational level a student can reach. Some doctoral degrees are research-focused and may lead to a career in research or academia. A common type of this degree is called...
Some of the most frequently pursued bachelor’s degrees include: BA (Bachelor of Arts)— It’s one of the most common bachelor’s degree types and includes humanities, some social sciences and liberal arts. BS or BSc (Bachelor of Science) — It usually coversmajorssuch as engineering, physic...
Related:Are Liberal Arts Degrees Worth It? i. Linguistics Linguistics is the study of language and its structure. It is believed that the structure of language shapes human thought. By learning a new language, you learn an entirely new way of thinking about the world. ...
There are several types of associate degrees. The main three are regular, applied, and certificates. Regular associate degrees, like an Associate of Arts or Science, are typically used as transfer degrees. This means that the student pursuing these degrees intends to take their credits to a ...
With over 100 years of history behind its business program, Robert Morris University Illinois offers undergraduate and graduate degrees in business, as well as dual degree programs which allow you to graduate with both. Of particular note is their Bachelor of Science in Accounting program, which ...