The PetCareRx Dog Breed Guide features over 140 individual dog breeds so you can find types of dogs right for you, or just browse the variety of dog breeds for fun!
That length has a purpose: to help direct scent to the Bloodhound's sensitive sniffer.University of Cincinnati researcher Pete Scheifele, also the director of UC's Bioacoustics and Canine Audiology Clinic, is developing a hearing aid that will help dogs with acquired hearing loss. DOG EARS ...
We've been able to utilise this in order for the dog to help us: search and rescue and sniffer dogs are now vital and enable us to live in a much safer society than we would be able to otherwise thanks to a nose 1,000 times more powerful than our own.The temporal lobes on the ...
Poodle mixes, or designer dogs, are the offspring of purebred Poodles and another purebred dog breed. Poodle mixes are popular due to their hypoallergenic coat, intelligence, loyalty, and other positive traits inherited from Poodles. Poodle mixes like Goldendoodles, Yorkipoos, and Poochons are co...