Best Types of Snakes to Have as Pets The Top Ten Corn Snake Common Kingsnake Ball Python Ball pythons are the best pet snake, hands down. They're SUPER DUPER cute and deserve lots of love, more than dogs get, anyway Gopher Snake
Other Types of PetsDogs and cats are just the tip of the iceberg. There are many lesser-known animals that come with certain advantages that can actually make them the best pets. For instance, renters may not be allowed to keep dogs or cats, or may have to pay a large deposit to keep...
In captivity as pets, snakes can mainly thrive off of rodents, such as mice and rats, that are properly sized for the snake. How To Safely Handle Your Young Pet Snake With nearly all snakes, hatchlings and younger snakes, in general, may be more nervous when you first get them. Many ...
There are hundreds of different animals kept as pets, from cats and dogs to fish and snakes. Some pet breeds you’ve probably heard of, while others are more mysterious. Learn more about the different types of pets you can adopt. Traditional Pets When you hear the word ‘pet,’ you prob...
Native Snakes of New Zealand Quite the paradise for avid nature-lovers, New Zealand’s many unique species actually exclude snakes. Giving visitors one less creepy crawly to worry about, there are no land snakes present due to snakes never evolving in the island country and seeing as they are...
The red wolf is not the same species as the gray wolf, although there is speculation that they are a naturally occurring hybridization of grey wolves and coyotes. These animals used to be found most areas of the southeastern US, however now they are only found in southeastern Texas and Louis...
Rat Snakes Rat snakes are constrictors from the Colubridae family of snakes. Red Deer A male red deer shows his age in his antlers, which become longer and more branched every year. Redstart They build their nests off the ground in tree holes, cavities, stone walls, and roofs Reindeer...
Now that freshwater aquarium eels have got all your attention, it’s time to dig a little more about the top 12 types of eels you can keep as pets. We have a video below from ourYouTube Channel. If you like our content, be sure to subscribe as we post new videos every week! We ...
Smooth snake: Similar coloration and patterns to adders but less defined and lighter in color. Grey or dark brown, these rare snakes blend in well with the heathlands they inhabit. Largest Animal in the United Kingdom Known as the majestic monarch of the glen, the red deer is the largest...
When depicted in film and/or TV, tarantulas are typically terrifying and dangerous. However, these big, fuzzy arachnids typically pose little to no threat and are often kept as pets. Believe it or not, tarantulas can be found in the wild in numerous parts of Colorado and if you happen to...