Learn about the different species of alligators, including the only two known living species that exist today: The American alligator and the Chinese alligator.
Alabama Red-Bellied Cooter Scientific name:Pseudemys alabamensis Suborder: Cryptodira (hidden-neck turtles) Family: Emydidae Where found: North America Conservation status:Endangered The Alabama red-bellied cooter is a member of the pond turtle family, Emydidae. It is found only in Alabama, USA, ...
diet, physical appearance, and behavior. Duck is actually a common name given to the species that belongs to the family of birds, Anatidae. Swans and geese also fall under the same category. These types of birds are generally found in the lake water or sea water. For ...
These types of moths have a pale yellow color. This color is almost uniform across the wings. Gray veins decorate the pale yellow wings of the Carrot Seed Moth. Some of these contrasting specifics of the species are also seen on itscaterpillar which has pale yellow and black contrasting colo...
- Notable works: "Pulp Fiction," "The Hateful Eight," "Snakes on a Plane," "Jackie Brown" Samuel L. Jackson is referred to as one of the hardest-working men in Hollywood. Jackson has starred in comedies, dramas, action movies, and kid flicks. His 182, and counting, acting credits ...
(van Lawick-Goodall and van Lawick-Goodall1966; Marks and Hall1992). Proto-tool use was observed, for instance, in a red-tailed hawk (Buteo jamaicensis) and sea otters (Enhydra lutris) who kill snakes and crack mussels, respectively, by hitting them against a boulder (i.e. the boulder ...
(Pseudacris, orLimnoaedus,ocularis), which does notexceed1.75 cm (0.69 inch) in length and is found incypressswampsin theUnited StatesfromVirginiatoFloridaandAlabama. Nonhylid tree frogs include members of the familiesCentrolenidae(the transparent “glass frogs”), Hyperoliidae, Rhacophoridae ...
Secret Service Code Names of 11 U.S. Presidents 9 of the World’s Deadliest Snakes ContentsAsk the Chatbot a Question Lake TanganyikaA dugout canoe on the shore of Lake Tanganyika, Tanzania. boat Print Written and fact-checked by The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica ...