These shrubby roses, also known as “landscape” roses, are low-growing, sprawling specimen that are one of the newer trends in roses. They bloom from spring to frost with little effort and can be found in single and double bloom forms. Typically, they reach up to 3 feet tall and sprea...
Bred for thousands of years from rose speciesendemic to China, these roses, alongside chrysanthemums, are the flowers that possibly started floriculture. Additionally, the China roses, in particular, have resulted from intense hybridization in Chinese gardens. In general, these have a small, shrubby...
Old Gardenroses andModernroses. Species roses are typically large climbing or shrub-like roses with single, flat flowers blooming in late spring or early summer followed by hips (seeds) in autumn. They are the parents of the modern roses we have today. Old Garden Roses include the following ...
Basic Information: Roses are perhaps the most famous flowering shrub, known around the world for their fragrant and beautiful blooms. They come in a variety of colors and styles, each with its own unique beauty. Flower Meaning: Roses are commonly associated with love and romance, with different...
Lavender roses are quite often described as enchanting and irresistible. Traditionally, the color of this rose has been appointed to mean love at first sight, and is given between lovers as a sign of such enchanting love.
If you only plant one shrub this year, make it a hydrangea! Hydrangeas come in a staggering array of sizes and colors to fit every garden.
Roses are long-lived, tough garden plants. Given a sunny position, mulch, fertiliser, some watering, and an occasional prune, there is a rose for almost every use in the garden. Books and catalogues list roses under various names such as hybrid tea, bush, shrub, standards, floribundas, cl...
This variety is well-liked since it could be the closest approach to a historically hybridized genuine blue rose on the market. It is a fragrant tea rose shrub that grows well in warm, protected parts of the garden. There is also a climber variety called Blue Moon as well. Grow the Blue...
One of the most revered types is the Chinese tree peony. It is not, as its name implies, a tree, but rather a sparsely branched deciduous shrub with dark-green leaves and unimaginably large (and often fragrant) white, pink, red, or purple flowers. Kasha and David Furman, of Cricket ...
This upright evergreen shrub produces glossy, dark-green leaves and clusters of tubular rose pink to crimson flowers. It blooms in the early summer and grows in a compact and upright habit. The Alpenrose can grow up to five feet high, looking great in the rear of borders and at the side...