Types of Fatty Acids FATTY ACIDS Organic Acid units that make up fat There are 3 types Three Types Saturated Polyunsaturated Monounsaturated Fatty Acids & Cholesterol Levels Each type of fatty Acids a different effect on cholesterol levels Saturated Fat RAISES HDL’s RAISES LDL’s Food Sources: Me...
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Typesofforces-contractandnon- contact •Forcescausepredictableandmeasurable responsestothehumanbodywhen objectsinteractwiththehumanbody. Theseresponsesare: •Resistivecounter-forces •Deformations •breakage Non-contact-Gravitationalforce •F=Gm 1 m 2 r 2 •G=universalgravitationalconstant •M 1 ...
TheU.S.has4.5%ofthepopulationbutuses20%oftheworld’senergy •Energyreturnedoninvestment(EROI)=energyreturned/energyinvested –Higherratiosmeanwereceivemoreenergythanweinvest•U.S.oilEROIratioshavegonefrom100:1to5:1 "Wemayhavealreadydepletedhalfofourreserves"•Hubbert'speakandwhatittellsus.His...
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nutrients Article Analysis of the Anti-Cancer Effects of Cincau Extract (Premna oblongifolia Merr) and Other Types of Non-Digestible Fibre Using Faecal Fermentation Supernatants and Caco-2 Cells as a Model of the Human Colon Samsu U. Nurdin 1,2,3, Richard K. Le Leu 3,4, Graeme P. Young...