SAP系统能够跟踪您从引用单据复制到SDF单据中的数量,以免费交付给客户。 单据类型SDF也使用项目类别KLN,因此,类似于FD,相关于交货但不相关于发票和定价。复制控制设置仅用于将销售单据复制到交货(将SDF复制到LF)。 现金销售 Cash Sales 现金销售是SAP中可用的特殊订单类型,用于处理客户下订单、支付货款并同时收到交货...
Type of processing Sales document type Abbreviation Presales Inquiry IN Quotation QT Free-of-charge delivery FD Sales orders Standard sales order OR Cash sale BV Rush order SO Outline agreements Quantity contract CQ Maintenance contract WV Rental contract MV Scheduling agreement DS ...
While going through the tutorials ofQuotation,Contract, andSales Ordercreation you must have met the term of a ‘Document Type’. SAP SD Sales Document types in SAP have a specific functionality and performs different functions. If we talk about Sales Documents in Sales & Distribution, you can ...
定义销售凭证类型(Sales Document Types)by 枫竹丹青 ⋅ Leave a Comment 1. 说明 销售的凭证类型可分为销售订单、销售询价、销售报价等不同类型,这些都是在同一操作界面中完成,只是通过不同参数加以区分。 作为最为常见的销售订单,根据功能不同也细分为不同形式,如标准订单、现金销售、快速销售、借项/贷项凭证...
SAP Managed Tags: SD Sales Hi, How do we maintain the sales order doc types? when the client has business across the globe, Is it maintained country wise like, for eg:India ZIOR,ZIDR,ZICR etc,for China ZCOR,ZCDR,ZCCR and so on, If we maintain like this, say for 20 countries...
Delivery 1, 2, 4 & 5 are for different sales orders and have to be dropped only at pool point. Thus tied to 500001M. 2) If all of them are assigned to main shipment only, is there a Main to Sub (SAP field) relation available? Main to sub is maintained in VTTP (through the ...
Dear all, I would like to share Certain object types and Form types of SAP B1. Introduction Nothing special, just a small overview of SAP Business One Object Types and
In SAP SD The following outbound and inbound EDI (Electronic Data Interchange) messages are available in the standard system. IDoc Types for Outbound
A table is primarily used to store data. It contains table fields to store individual part of the data. It is the fundamental element in SAP for data
The sales order is not processed by your company, but by the vendor. Third-party items can be entered in purchase requisitions, purchase orders, and sales orders. Third party processing is linked to the Sales and Distribution component (SD). If the sales order contains third-party items, ...