初中全英文授课资料 types of rock.ppt,Types of Rocks There are three main types of rocks: Igneous - formed when molten rock cools. Sedimentary – formed by the “cementing together” of small grains of sediment. Metamorphic – rocks changed by the effect
http://.fi.edu/fellows/payton/rocks/create/metamorph.htm Meaning to change shape Changes with temperature and pressure, but remains solid Usually takes place deep in the Earth Contact Metamorphism – heated by nearby magma Increased temperature changes the composition of the rock, minerals are ...
Which type of rock is forming above the coal material? Base your answers to the question on the flowchart below and on your knowledge of Earth Science. The flowchart shows the formation of some igneous rocks. The circled letters A, B, C, and D indicate parts of the flowchart that have n...
初中全英文授课资料 types of rock TypesofRocks •Therearethreemaintypesofrocks:1.Igneous-formedwhenmoltenrockcools.2.Sedimentary–formedbythe“cementing together”ofsmallgrainsofsediment.3.Metamorphic–rockschangedbytheeffectof heatandpressure.IgneousRocks •Thesearerocksformedbythecoolingofmoltenrock(...
1、types of rocksthere are three main types of rocks: - formed when molten rock cools. formed by the “cementing together” of small grains of sediment. rocks changed by the effect of heat and pressure.igneous rocksthese are rocks formed by the cooling of molten rock (magma.)magmavolcanoma...
WEATHERING, EROSION, DEPOSITION Weathering: The Breaking down of rocks Erosion: The carrying away of rocks. Caused by water and wind. Deposition: The final resting place of rocks. (think of a deposit at the bank, it stays there…usually)....
of Illite Structure of Illite Chlorites (2:1:1) Hydroxy octahedral sheet in the interlayer space Restricted swelling “Nutrient poor” Common in sedimentary rocks and the soils derived from them Structure of Chlorite Factors affecting mineral stability Number and type of base cations in the ...
Sea water continually reacts with its "container"—thebasaltrocks that underlie the ocean. The most intense of these reactions occur in hot springs along mid-ocean ridges.*The entire volume of ocean water gradually circulates into the ocean floor, reacts with hot basalt, and returns greatly ch...
TheU.S.has4.5%ofthepopulationbutuses20%oftheworld’senergy •Energyreturnedoninvestment(EROI)=energyreturned/energyinvested –Higherratiosmeanwereceivemoreenergythanweinvest•U.S.oilEROIratioshavegonefrom100:1to5:1 "Wemayhavealreadydepletedhalfofourreserves"•Hubbert'speakandwhatittellsus.His...
Types of Maps Reference Thematic. Rocks and Landforms I-2 Notes Important Features of a Map MAPS Basic Components. Various types of Maps Physical Physical maps often include much of the same data found on a political map, but their primary purpose is to show landforms like deserts, mountains ...