Carpet Beetle Carpet beetles eat different animal and plant-based products, depending on what stage of their lifecycle they are in; these foods include pollen, flour, wool, and fur. Carrion Beetle Carrion beetles' diets depend on the specie. Some eat decaying carcasses, while others scavenge ...
With names such as Dung Beetles, June Beetles, May Beetles and Rhinocerous Beetles, native Scarab Beetles are often colorful and easy to identify like the Seven-spotted Lady Beetle pictured. Types of Insects: Bugs Bugs Is a bug one of many types of insects or is it just another name for...
Rhino Viper The river jack snake has a gigantic horn-like scale on the tip of its nose. Rhinoceros It's horns are made from keratin! River Turtle Inhabits freshwater habitats around the world! Robin There are more than 45 species in Australia alone! Rock Python Rock pythons may have crossb...
The Coryphodono looked like a fancy rhinocerous, but it was more related to elephants Cosmic Caterpillar Cosmic caterpillars have spots on their back that look like eyes to scare off predators. Costa’s Hummingbird Costa's Hummingbird males have iridescent purple feathers on their heads and ...