Retirement planning is interrelated with nearly every other element of the financial planning process, including cash flow and net worth, tax, investment, and estate planning. Retirement plans can be classified in a number of ways. The first distinguishing characteristic is whether a plan is a ...
When it comes to saving for your future, there are a number of decisions to navigate — from how to set your goals to how much to set aside — but the area that gives many savers pause is choosing which types of tax-advantaged retirement accounts to use. While you may be familiar wit...
Whether you’re planning to retire in a couple years or a couple decades, one of the plans you should consider right now is anIndividual Retirement Account (IRA). For many retirement savers, a Discover®IRA Certificate of Deposit (CD) or DiscoverIRA Savings Accountmay be the right solution...
These types of retirement plans are similar to 401(k) and 403(b) plans. A money purchase plan is also a defined-contribution retirement plan. But with these, the employer isrequiredto contribute a set percentage of an employee’s salary every year. In some cases, the employee can contribut...
Learn about non-qualified retirement plans and their different types. Find out about the differences between qualified and non-qualified retirement...
Different jobs may entail different types of retirement benefits; some are mandatory while others are voluntarily undertaken. Some of the most common types of retirement benefits include Social Security benefits, pension plans, and military retirement benefits. Social Security retirement benefits are ...
we had to get in a car to do anything,” says Sharla Thomason of her Malaysian retirement with her husband, Jim. “And we don’t cook as much, because living in the thick of it all means you can walk out your door and be at a dizzying array of restaurants. Eating out is so much...
And a rollover IRA can be a convenient way to consolidate many workplace plans from different jobs into a single account. Be sure to consider all your available options and the applicable fees and features of each before moving your retirement assets. Learn more about rollover IRAs. Roth 401(...
A common type of defined contribution plan is a 401(k)—or a 403(b) if the employer is a nonprofit—but there are also profit-sharing plans. Today there are fewer defined-benefit plans, such as pensions, which provide workers with a fixed amount upon retirement. ...
One type of LTIP is the401(k) retirement plan. When abusiness matches a percentageof an employee's paycheck going into the plan, employees are more likely to work for the company until retirement. The business might have avestingschedule that determines the value of retirement account contribut...