In short when you click on some field of the output it navigate you to another screen. In an interactive report, the output is displayed in multiple lists. It is important to note that in one ABAP program,you can maintain one basic list (first report) and up to 19 secondary list so t...
2.事件关健字 这些关健字在ABAP中定义处理块,处理块是当特定事件发生时进行处理的语句组 -- 多用于report INITIALIZATION : 在选择屏幕显示前,对变量进行初始化赋值 AT SELECTION-SCREEN : 对选择屏幕的数据输入进行检查 START-OF-SELECTION : 选择屏幕处理完后,数据的处理 TOP-OF-PAGE : 列表显示启动新页,页头...
This is a 1:n relation. In short, this will show all records of the left table in the join, regardless if it is available in the joined table. When joining these 2 tables, it will show all data of Table 1. Only there where there is a match, it will show the data of Table 2....
DATA text_string TYPE STRING. text_string = 'A Program in ABAP'. Write / text_string. DATA d_date TYPE D. d_date = SY-DATUM. Write / d_date.In this example, we have a character string of type C with a predefined length 40. STRING is a data type that can be used for any ch...
You can either display the results of the evaluation as a variable list (table) or as a tree structure. The ABAP List Viewer functions are available in the list display (for example: Display Variants, Sort Functions) to adjust the results display to individual ques...
Characterize the technical attributes of all data objects that have a particular type. Either built-in or defined types.Predefined ABAP Data Types TypeDescriptionInitial ValueLength C - Type Character Space 1 - 65535 D - Type Date '00000000' 8 F - Type Floating Point 0.0 characters I - Type...
The entities of these models provide enhanced access functions when compared to existing database tables and views defined in the ABAP Dictionary, making it possible to optimize Open SQL-based applications. Remote objects When connected via a remote connection, objects can be accessed in the same ...
You can use the administration report for XDC files RSPO0022 to administer the mapping of SAP device types to XDC files. The mapping is stored in table TSP0B. If you run the report RSPO0022 in transaction SE38, two tables are displa...
In the Control Data section, SAP users can see theDelivery Typeinput area where delivery type code and delivery type text is displayed side by side. Here is the ABAP table structure of TVLKT Delivery Type Texts table. ABAP developers can display the table structure using SAP SE11 transaction...
WindTurbineClassification - Specification of 'normal' wind turbine operating behaviour for rapid anomaly detection. ANYstructure - Offshore Steel structure calculation tool with automatic optimization and report generation. SHARPy - Simulation of High Aspect Ratio aeroplanes and wind turbines in Python. Win...