The uchigatanas, short swords and daggers used in early modern times all used lacquer coated scabbards, but the matched long and short swords that warriors used were coated with black lacquer. There are other variants including scabbards that used scratches to prevent slippage. From the mid-Edo...
Andrew Demko has been one of the biggest names in knives for decades now. Many of the most popular Cold Steel knives are his designs. Heck, my favorite knife ever made, the Cold Steel AD-10, is a production version of his custom. A couple of years ago, Andrew Demko created Demko Kniv...
Some knives that appear to have the same shape and length but lack one side being sharpened to an edge are mistakenly labeled as daggers. This can be found in many knife laws as well, so do not assume that having one edge unsharpened disqualifies your blade from any dagger related legislat...