technicallymaking it the first Water-type Pokémon to be represented in the Pokémon TCG. Its Rain Dance Pokémon Power was the first of many Energy-accelerating Poké-Powers, Poké-Bodies, and Abilities with similar effects, setting a trend for numerous...
The Sword Blade Pokemon, Bisharp, greatly supports any metal Energy deck. For an Energy of any type, Bisharp can use Spike Draw, which deals 20 damage but allows you to draw two cards with no drawbacks. Bisharp can utilize Power Edge for one extra metal Energy, which deals 70 damage. ...
the Kirby Crackle is named after the method of showing a crackle of energy in superhero comics in the 1960s, popularized by Marvel great Jack Kirby. An energy field bursts off the card and is available in several different colors.