Written in narrative verse, epic poems usually follow the story of a hero or a group of heroes — a famous example of this is, of course,The Odysseyby Homer. Though it’s difficult to define precise rules for writing epic poetry,The Odyssey’sstructure is typical with its long stanzas an...
--possiblytheoldest:theSongofSolomonandthePsalms --FrancescoPetrarch–Italiansonnet --loveasthemostimportantsubjectmatter --differentfromnarrativepoems:Narrativestoryaction Lyric song emotion 5 Sonnet十四行诗-afourteen-linepoem,writteniniambic pentameter(lineswithtensyllables,withaccentsfallingoneverysecondsyllable...
1.Epic史诗--recountinginacontinuousnarrativethelifeandactionofaheroicormythologicalpersonorgroupofpersons--Homer:IliadandOdysseyVirgil:AeneidDante:DivineComedyAnglo-Saxonlegend:BeowulfMilton:ParadiseLost 2 2.Ballad歌谣--anarrativepoemoffolksongwhichtellsastoryinsimplecolloquiallanguage...
❖1.Epic史诗 ❖--recountinginacontinuousnarrativethelifeandactionofaheroicormythologicalpersonorgroupofpersons ❖--Homer:IliadandOdyssey ❖ Virgil:Aeneid ❖ Dante:DivineComedy ❖ Anglo-Saxonlegend:Beowulf ❖ Milton:ParadiseLost 精选课件 2 ❖2.Ballad歌谣 ❖--anarrativepoemoffolksongwhich...
Lyric poetry 抒情诗-- taking its name from songs sung by individuals or a chorus accompanied by the lyre-- possibly the oldest: the Song of Solomon and the Psalms-- Francesco Petrarch – Italian sonnet-- love as the most important subject matter-- different from narrative poems: Narrative ...
-- possibly the oldest: the Song of Solomon and the Psalms -- Francesco Petrarch – Italian sonnet -- love as the most important subject matter -- different from narrative poems: Narrative Lyric story song action emotion 5 整理ppt 1. Sonnet 十四行诗 ...
differentfromnarrativepoems: 1.Sonnet十四行诗 --afourteen-linepoem,writteniniambicpentameter(lineswithtensyllables,withaccentsfallingoneverysecondsyllable) --PetrarchinItaly --England:ThomasWyatt,HenryHoward --Spenseriansonnet: --Shakespeareansonnet:abab,cdcd,efef,gg 2.Ode颂诗 --aformoflyricpoeminwhich...
-- narrator。1。?。?。?。1. Epic 史诗 -- recounting in a continuous narrative the life and action of a heroic or mythological person or group of persons -- Homer: Iliad and Odyssey Virgil: Aeneid Dante: Divine Comedy Anglo-Sax.. ...
4 Epic There’s a reason the adjective epic refers to things that are huge, complex, and/or over-the-top: Epics are long, detailed poems that tell fantastical stories of larger-than-life characters. These stories can be fictional, historical, or historical with a generous helping of fiction...