Aaron Krach, Indestructible Artifact #19 (Swaddle), 2014, image aaronkrach.com A few days ago I spotted this awesome screenprinted hospital blanket on the website of New York artist and writer Aaron Krach. It was a little Lawrence Weiner, a little... ...
38. The ex who liked your car better than you.Let’s just say he was using you for the wrong kind of ride. 39. The ex who was always commenting on how hot your friends are.“If you think they’re so hot, why don’t you go ahead and date one ofthem, Ted?! SMH.” ...
August 6, 2015 Kidpost Upgrade Kidpost was created by some awesome, web-savvy parents to share photos with less plugged-in relatives and friends. It solves a small but real challenge, and it does it very thoughtfully. And now they have upgraded. Read co-creator Khoi Vinh's... ...
Dress pants or slacks Why It’s Essential: For years, cardigans of the non-shawl collar variety got a bad rep. As much as we all loved Mr. Rogers, I have to admit that I kind of blame him for making cardigans seem so… well, old man-ish. ...
They’re a lauded part of New York City hip-hop history, yet the boots themselves are also trusty and dependable from coast to coast in snowy weather, on job sites and with durable work pants. That particular style has gotten some technical upgrades and a more sustainable design over the ...
However, after reading through this guide, “notch” might be very informal and not a good choice for my guys. Should I consider the “peak” lapel for my groomsmen and stick with the “shawl” lapel for myself? Is one more formal than the other? Looking to differentiate myself tuxedo ...
The forums are still pretty well-populated with guys showing off their rare, quirky finds on worryingly hairy wrists. Provided that is you stick to the safety zone of r/watches. Head off the beaten track though r/watchescirclejerk for example and you’ll need a map. Consider us your ...
As for the anti-programmer, I really think that part of being a perfectionist is writing as little code as reasonably possible. The only code I’m ever willing to guarantee bug-free is the code I chose not to write. This sounds like just responsible DRY programming and framework use.Gord...