A classification and description of cry types stimulated by different internal sources--hunger, pain, illness and alarm. Various features of each type were distinguished by spectrographic analysis. Pain cries seemed to be the basic type from which other types evolve. Comparisons with other studies ...
Chest pain or chest tightness or chest pressure is a discomfort or pain between the neck and upper abdomen region. There are two types of chest pain, Cardiac Chest Pain or Non-Cardiac Chest Pain. Treatment depends on the underlying conditions that cause
The pain may be a dull ache, sharp, throbbing, constant, intermittent, mild, or intense. How do medical professionals classify headaches? In 2018, the International Headache Society released its latest classification system for headache. Because so many people suffer from headaches, and because ...
Cluster headache, migraine, and tension-type headache are three major types of primary headaches. Primary headaches are headaches with no apparent underlying organic disease process. Description The International Classification of Headache Disorders, third edition (ICHD-3, Headache Classification Committee o...
Types of Bone Diseases There are five basic types of bones. Bone TypeDescription Long Bonelong, thin shape; include bones found in the limbs (arms and legs). Long bones permit movement and support weight Short Bonecube shaped; include bones in the wrists and ankles ...
with experience in patient-reported errors then applied the final codebook to the entire data set, assigning up to 2 mistake types for each free-text description. We excluded comments that were irrelevant or indecipherable. In cases in which the mistake type was not immediately evident, we used...
Single-cell RNA sequencing data can unveil the molecular diversity of cell types. Cell type atlases of the mouse spinal cord have been published in recent years but have not been integrated together. Here, we generate an atlas of spinal cell types based on single-cell transcriptomic data, unify...
However, a comprehensive classification of DRG neurons is critical for understanding exactly how somatosensation works and for providing insights into the cellular basis for acute and chronic pain. Rodents represent the main species for studies on the cellular and molecular basis of nociception and the...
Neurons are the computational elements that compose the brain and their fundamental principles of activity are known for decades. According to the long-lasting computational scheme, each neuron sums the incoming electrical signals via its dendrites and w
The classification of hereditary skin disorders generally has been based upon gross morphological, histological, and electron microscopic findings; however, because a skin disease may not always have a characteristic presentation, the specific diagnosis sometimes has been in doubt. Better understanding of ...