What are the different types of orthodontic retainers? How long is orthodontic retention? As soon as you remove your braces, retention stage begins.
New types of orthodontic screw retainersSoloveichik LL, Napadov MA, Shigabutdinov TS.doi:10.1007/BF00562186L.L.SoloveichikM.A.NapadovT.S.ShigabutdinovKluwer Academic Publishers-Plenum PublishersBiomedical Engineering
Retainersare prescribed to protect the results of orthodontic treatment. The longevity of your retainers depends largely on the type that you opt for. The two main types of retainers are removable acrylic ones and fixed permanent ones. The lifespan of each depends on how well you take care of...
Once orthodontic treatment has been completed, the use of retainers after braces is a very important part of the continuing maintenance of teeth and will go a long way toward keeping the same bite and smile that the braces formed over the previous few years. Retainers are usually...
Protruding or broken wire.Use the eraser end of a pencil to move the wire to a less bothersome position. If you can't move it out of the way, put a small amount of orthodontic wax over the protruding end. Do not attempt to cut the wire, because you might accidentally swallow it or...
Retainers Once the active treatment period is complete, your braces are removed and you enter the retention period. This part of treatment is critical to maintaining the long-term stability of your new bite. Retainers hold your teeth in place until your bone, gum, and muscles adapt to your ...
Once orthodontic treatment has been completed, the use of retainers after braces is a very important part of the continuing maintenance of teeth and will go a long way toward keeping the same bite and smile that the braces formed over the previous few years. Retainers are usually fabricated by...
There are many different types of orthodontic appliances, including braces, palatal expanders, headgear, retainers, and even...
See Dr. Wright's Advice about Retainers Saggital Appliance Makes space to fix overcrowding in places in the mouth by cranking a screw to push individual teeth to different places they need to go Space Maintainer (on the right) : keeps space between teeth so an adult tooth can grow in...
Use the eraser end of a pencil to move the wire to a less bothersome position. If you can't move it out of the way, put a small amount of orthodontic wax over the protruding end. Do not attempt to cut the wire, because you might accidentally swallow it or inhale it into your lungs...