Indirect lookup relationships: These allow a relationship to be formed between a Salesforce object and an external object. If your Salesforce org was the family, then the objects would be related but not in the same family. A great example is relating payment records to an account from an E...
Salesforce identity licenses enable a user to log in via the Salesforce single sign-on (SSO), without requiring a full CRM license. Let’s take Pardot (Account Engagement) as an example – Salesforce single sign-on (SSO) wasenforced for Pardot accounts. In short, this means that all use...
Use the Report Types API to get information about what report types are available in your org. The Report Types API is available in API version 39.0 and later.
我们使用 Cookies使您与我们网站的交互更有意义,并为您定制内容。 我们根据隐私声明处理从Cookies收集的信息。 这些信息可能被传输到中国境外的服务器或第三方信息控制者进行处理。 要更改您的 Cookies设置和偏好,请单击“Cookie同意管理”按钮。 拒绝所有 接受所有Cookie同意管理 ...
6. Set default Salesforce organization username: ftypes set-target-org my-sf-org Sets defaultusername in./ftypes/ftypesc.jsontomy-sf-orgin your sfdx project. 7. Display contents of (./ftypes/ftypesc.json): ftypes configs Displays the contents of the configuration file (./ftypes/ftype...
What are the types of digital marketing? If you’re still wondering how digital marketing works in real life, here are a few practical examples. There are many types of digital marketing, and we’ve outlined the pro’s and con’s of each below. 1. Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Pay-per-click...
WebKittens @annevk @hober @marcoscaceres Title of the spec Trusted Types URL to the spec URL to the spec's repository TAG Design Review URL w3ctag/d...
Name + NTDomain + Host ** The Host component is necessary to create a strong identifier when the account is a local account, meaning that the NTDomain is a built-in domain/workgroup. Name + DnsDomain PUID ObjectGuidWeak identifiers of an account entityName Past...
usage: apexdoc <options> | @<optionsFile> -p,--sfdx-project <arg> sfdx-project.json file -s,--source <arg> input source directory -u,--username <arg> Salesforce CLI username or alias -i,--include-org-types whether org-only types should be included in generated ApexDoc when the ...
You’ve taken care of some of Noah’s concerns by creating record types. Move on to the next step where you work on those custom record pages he asked for. Verify Step+100 points You’ll be completing this project in your own hands-on org. Click Launch to get started, or click the...