In biology, biochemical reactions are chemical reactions that take place within the cells. These reactions can involve the breakdown of molecules as well as building molecules. The sum of all biochemical reactions (what is built and broken down) in an organism is called metabolism. Just like the...
Phospholipids (PL)form cell membranes. They consist of a hydrophilic head that includes a phosphate group and two hydrophobic tails made up of fatty acids that are linked together with an alcohol moiety. The phosphate portion can include organic molecules including: ...
This section will dealt with the main organic molecules in living things: carbohydrates, fats ( lipids ), proteins and nucleic acids. 1907 Words 8 Pages Decent Essays Read More Unit 21 Health and Social Care Carbohydrates are macromolecules which and contains carbon, hydrogen and oxygen (C,H,O...
Haemoglobin is a molecule in red blood cells that binds to oxygen, allowing it to be transported through the blood. Haemoglobin is comprised of a heme molecule and a globin molecule. Heme molecules are formed from succinyl-CoA and glycine. Four of these molecules together bind with iron forming...
Macromolecules are large, complex molecules which are usually formed from the product of smaller molecules like, carbohydrates, lipids, and proteins.
(1) Explain what properties lipid molecules share and how a lipid molecule is defined? (2) Is there a restriction on what types of organic molecules can be considered lipids? Identify the omponents (1-6) contained in each of the following lipids (a-d): 1.) Glycerol 2.) Fatty Acid ...
There are several theories about how life first came to be on Earth. These theories include the formation of organic molecules within what is known as the"Primordial Soup", life coming to Earth on asteroids(Panspermia Theory), or the first primitive cells forming inhydrothermal vents. ...
Mitochondria are called the powerhouses of the cell as they produce energy-rich molecules for the cell. The mitochondrial genome is inherited maternally in several organisms. It is a double membrane-bound, sausage-shaped organelle, found in almost all eukaryotic cells. The double membranes divide ...
Experimental Design in Science | Definition, Process & Steps8:30 Creating, Reading & Interpreting Charts & Graphs9:49 Ch 2.Molecular Biology Ch 3.Introduction to Organic Molecules &... Ch 4.Enzyme Function, Interactions &... Ch 5.Cell Membrane Model, Components &... ...
Ch 2. Molecular Biology Ch 3. Introduction to Organic Molecules &... Ch 4. Enzyme Function, Interactions &... Ch 5. Cell Membrane Model, Components &... Ch 6. Cell Structure, Organelles & Organelle... Ch 7. Cellular Metabolism &... Ch 8. Cell Growth & The Process of Cell... Ch...