Benzinga. Like Seeking Alpha,Benzingais an energetic financial news and analysis aggregator. It also has a lot of sector- and instrument-specific content, including advanced realms like forex andcryptocurrency. Benzinga is a great place for novice and intermediate investors to increase their market IQ...
The structure name can't be used as an identifier (name of a variable or function). It should be noted that in MQL5 structure elements follow one another directly, without alignment. In C++ such an order is made to the compiler using the following instruction: #pragma pack(1) If you ...
In the following example, the ‘filledcolor’ is black. For our ‘filled’ blocks, the top of the block is the opening price, and the bottom of the block is the closing price. If the closing price is higher than the opening price, then the block in the middle will be “white” or ...