Since the 1950's, along with the discoveries of the Daqing oil field and exploration in the Bohai bay area, terrestrial petroleum geology exploration has been gradually developed. The theory of oil generation in a terrestrial basin and multiple oil-gas accumulation zones is the core of ...
Crude oil (also referred to as petroleum) is a natural and sticky unrefined remain of ancient marine organisms. Since it was discovered in Nigeria some years back, it has changed the fortunes and outlook of the country. Of course, in itself, it is not useful – until it goes through cert...
Turpan-Hami Basin contains two types of source rocks and four petroleum systems suchas coal measure-noncoal formation combined type, noncoal formation type and Toksun,Taibei, Hami, Nanhu petroleum systems. Within the first type, oil traps that were mainlyformed in Late Cretaceous matched well wit...
2.1TypesofPipelines 7 •Product •Gasoline,aviationgasoline,diesel,heatingoil •Liquefiedpetroleumgas,LPG;Naturalgasliquids,NGL •BatchedTransportation •Maintainthepurityofeachproduct •Withorwithoutaphysicalbarrier •Measuringthedensitytomonitorpositions 2.1TypesofPipelines-PRODUCT 8 •Operationofprod...
The Qinjiatun and Qikeshu oilfields are new Mesozoic petroleum exploration targets in Lishu Fault Depression of Songliao Basin, northeastern China. Currently, researches on geochemistry of crude oils from Qinjiatun and Qikeshu oilfields have not been performed and the genesis of oils is still uncert...
Headquartered in Eastern Pennsylvania, Petroleum Service Company (PSC) was founded in 1924 and incorporated in 1930. We are homegrown, yet international. You may know us as a local brick-and-mortar distributor of oil and lubricants, but we’ve grown to become much more than that.You...
The biodegradation of hydrocarbons in crude oil under saline stress needs to be investigated because degradation was generally lack or slow, whereas crude oil or petroleum hydrocarbons are major pollutants of marine environments. A natural isolate, IFusarium/I sp. F092, having the ability to ...
On the basis of eight typical petroleum pools, the type, evolution in time-space, and the controlling of petroleum distribution of pool fluid sources are comprehensively analyzed. The main types of pool fluid sources include hydrocarbon, generated primarily and secondly from source rocks, gas ...
In late 2021, President Joe Biden ordered 50 million gallons of oil released from the nation'sStrategic Petroleum Reserveswith the stated aim of forcing gasoline prices lower by increasing its supply.1 In 2022 and 2023, the Federal Reserve imposed a series of interest rate increases on the nati...
Fault-fracture mesh petroleum plays in the Zhanhua Depression, Bohai Bay Basin: Part 2. Oil-source correlation and secondary migration mechanisms The chemical compositions of crude oils from over 20 oilfields in the Zhanhua Depression, Bohai Bay Basin, were studied in order to understand their genet...