obligations,includingtheobligation to prevent the illegal or unauthorized acquisition of nuclear material; prevent interference with authorized uses of nuclear material and facilities arising from criminal activities such as theft, misrepresentation, threats, sabotage and illicit trafficking; and ensure the saf...
development ofnewtypes ofnuclear weapons contravenedthesecurityassurances provided by the nuclear-weapon [...] daccess-ods.un.org daccess-ods.un.org [...] 定,五个核武器国家向无核武器国家提供具有法律 约束力的安全保证将加强核不扩散制度;重申改进 现有核武器和开发新型核武器违反核武器国家提供 的...
It was constructed to fit explosives in enemyship hullsand is still considered a pioneer in the domain of underwater vehicles. Even modern, colossal, heavily armed nuclear-powered naval assault submarines are indebted to this breakthrough invention. Modern manned submersibles are called Human Occupied...
of differenttypes ofgovernmentobligationsthanofdifferenttypes ofrights claims.5 ESC rights jurisprudence [...] socialrights.ca socialrights.ca 5 经社文权利法理和研究在界定侵权时也往往倾向于过度强调普遍适用的标准,而忽略了只有在具体的申诉 个案特定的情境下才得以考虑的历史环境。
4. If a round lasts too long (past thirty minutes) then the "nuclear stockpiling" rule comes into effect. this rule has each team able to send a second missile at the same time. plus for every ten minutes beyond another missile is added to each team until the game ends. ...
far only deployed nuclear-armed ICBMs and SLBMs, some argue that U.S. conventional SLBMs or ICBMs would be destabilizing weapons. For instance, Congress withheld the funding necessary for the George W. Bush administration to develop and deploy conventional Trident D–5 missiles on Ohio[...
The Oscar Class and Other New Soviet Submarine Types Continue Vigorous Expansion of the Soviet Submarine Force,Ballistic missile submarinesUSSRNuclear powered submarinesTorpedoesSurface to surface missilesTranslationsWest Germany*Ballistic missile submarinesBreyer,S...
Newdeliverysystems:missilestosuicidesNewdeliverysystems:missilestosuicides ►►DefenseDefense BarrierstopreventpenetrationofweaponsBarrierstopreventpenetrationofweapons Intelligence,bothremoteandlocalIntelligence,bothremoteandlocal ►►CommunicationsCommunications ...
analyze differenttypes of loadsunder all operating conditions . javakaiyuan.com javakaiyuan.com 它可以用来测试静止资料库或者活动资料库中的服务器的运行情况,可以用来模拟对服务器或者网络系统加以重负 荷以测试它的抵抗力,或者用来分析不同负荷类型下的所有运行情况。
accurately describe the type(s) and quantity(ies) of a State’s declared nuclear material holdings), [...] daccess-ods.un.org 根据无核武器缔约国的全面保障协定,原子能机构核实当事国对接受保障的 核材料的申报不仅“正确”(即准确说明当事国已申报所拥有核材 料的 类 型和数 量)而 且“完...