Giglio M. Fatigue analysis of different types of pressure vessel nozzle. International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping 2003; 80: 1-8, Giglio, "Fatigue analysis of different types of pressure vessel nozzle"International Journal of ...
Design, construction, repair, and testing of pressure vessels are governed by some regulations such as ASME BPVC and API 510. Such regulations are made to ensure safety during the pressure vessel‘s operation. The types of pressure vessels according to their function are storage tanks, boilers, ...
"Water distribution" refers to the water distribution in the working area according to certain rules, the most common is the uniform distribution of water in the working face. The method by which this is accomplished is called a water distributo...
Am I right in thinking that the only penalty incurred by the vessel designer/fabricator is a reduced joint efficiency for the nozzle to shell weld, since no RT/UT has taken place? There really is no penalty as the efficiency of the nozzle to shell weld is not used in any calculation ...
Presently the only vessel in the yards was an old atomic freighter, getting an overhaul and a face lift—a new reactor core, new main engine nozzles, refurbished life-support systems, new paint inside and out. When all the work was done the ship was to be recommissioned and given a ...
Water is drawn in through an intake located beneath the boat, and then forced out at high pressure through a directional nozzle at the stern. This propulsion system allows jet boats to operate in shallow waters and navigate through areas with submerged objects, such as rivers, lakes, and ...
Gravity fed- Toilets operating on a gravity fed flush are the most common. To put it simply, this style relies on the amount of water in the tank and the volume let through the flush valve via gravity to clean the bowl. The way it achieves this is not fixed, but jet nozzles and ri...
Jettison the cargo Should a problem occur of such severity that it is required to jettison the cargo then a special nozzle arrangement is fitted to the manifold and the main cargo pumps started. The liquid is ejected down wind of the vessel forming a large gaseous ball. By carefull design ...
Fig.1: Example of a typical Strainer Application of Piping Strainers To ensure against the untimely shutdown of equipment, strainers should be installed ahead of pumps, loading valves,control valves,meters,steam traps,turbines, compressors,solenoid valves, nozzles,pressure regulators, burners, unit ...
Because they do not require electricity, eductors can be used in hazardous environments. Features Eductors use the kinetic energy from a stream of compressed gas or liquid. The movement of this stream through a tapered tube and Venturi nozzle increases the pressure of the flow. The subsequent ...