In contemporary Christian worship, spiritual songs include praise songs or worship songs in which there is more emphasis on the musical settings, the used of varied popular styles of music, and many different instruments. Spirituals are religious folksongs strongly associated with the enslavement of ...
In contemporary Christian worship, spiritual songs include praise songs or worship songs in which there is more emphasis on the musical settings, the used of varied popular styles of music, and many different instruments. Spirituals are religious folksongs strongly associated with the enslavement of ...
Articulation is a word in music meant to describe the markings and notations that determine how notes and phrases are supposed to be played. Articulations are the punctuation of the musical language.What is Articulation in Music? Much like the spoken and written word, the language of music has...
The last section (section 8) summarizes the main points of the paper. In this paper I use the following notations. Additional notations will be explained as they appear.These phonetic notations for pitch movement are devised for the convenience of description. To avoid confusion with these ...
So let’s speak about the different voice types in popular music and what you can expect out of your instrument. By the way, if you want a great video to walk you though how to tell your voice type, check this out: Voice Types: The 8 Singing Classifications. Find Yours Here!