Initial peak landing knee abduction moments were obtained through inverse dynamics with motion capture and GRF data collected with eight-high speed cameras and two force plates. There was a significant difference when examining the Pre/Post x Group interaction (p<0.05) of the knee abduction moments...
Motion characteristics of CoP (Centre of Pressure, the point of application of the resultant ground reaction force acting on the plate) are useful for foot type characteristics detection. To date, only few studies have investigated the nonlinear characteristics of CoP velocity and acceleration during ...
Muscle Classification cont… Change in the nerve root supply will change the muscles twitch properties. No gender differences. No change in the relative % of each type with training. Your birth determines your activity?
Ch 33. Translational Motion Ch 34. Force, Motion & Gravitation Ch 35. Equilibrium and Momentum Ch 36. Work and Energy Ch 37. Waves Ch 38. Principles of Fluids Ch 39. Gas Laws Ch 40. Electrostatics & Magnetism Ch 41. Electronic Circuit Elements Ch 42. Electrochemistry Ch 43. Sound Ch ...
Review of tennis serve motion analysis and the biomechanics of three serve types with implications for injury. Sports Biomech, 2011; 10: 378-390Abrams GD, Sheets AL, Andriacchi TP, Safran MR. Review of tennis serve motion analysis and the biomechanics of three serve types with implications ...
Background Motion characteristics of CoP (Centre of Pressure, the point of application of the resultant ground reaction force acting on the plate) are useful for foot type characteristics detection. To date, only few studies have investigated the nonlinear characteristics of CoP velocity and accelerati...
Snapping hip due to a cartilage injury may develop suddenly, and may be caused by a fall or other trauma. It is often accompanied by a catching sensation and/or a limited range of motion in the hip. People who have snapping hip syndrome with painful symptoms should consult a physician. A...
There was no significant difference in postoperative physical examination findings (range of motion, Lachman, pivot shift), except that ST-augmented grafts had significantly less laxity after surgery compared with HT alone (0.8 vs 1.9 mm; P <.05). QT allografts with ST augmentation showed ...
Study Aims: To establish upper body joint ranges of motion during two strikes in hurling. Methods: 3D analysis was used to examine an elite level hurler perform two common hurling strikes from the dominant side, a strike on the run and a free strike. Joint range of motion was gathered for...
Participants were presented with a display of the phase plane of their forearm motion; the horizontal axis displayed angular position and the vertical axis displayed angular velocity. The target forearm behavior was indicated by a region of the phase plane; this region was a doughnut shape formed ...