The Italian monks story One popular story about the creation of pretzels is that they were first created by Italian monks. Allegedly, pretzels may have first been made by Italian monks to award children for doing well in school. The baked salty treat’s shape was said to be made to resembl...
The most formidable liberal philosophers have called the monks melancholy because they denied themselves the pleasures of liberty and marriage. They might as well call the trippers on a Bank Holiday melancholy because they deny themselves, as a rule, the pleasures of silence and meditation. A ...
As the name might suggest, Belmont Abbey College is a Catholic college, in the tradition of Benedictine monks, located in Belmont, NC, just outside of Charlotte. With a vast array of business programs available, including accounting, finance, international business, and marketing, Belmont Abbey ...
classical is farther rooted in the 11th century, during which, the incipient vestiges of musical notation were first developed in Europe by monks of the Catholic Church.
Though early examples of music written on tablets dates well into the BC era, Western music as a written art form began developing in Italy around 850 AD. During this time, the monks of the Catholic Church were searching for ways to write down their Gregorian chants, and for the next seve...
in musical time.” Actually, the relative presence or lack of rhythmic differentiation in the duration of tones can act as a decisive stylistic determinant. Thus the rhythmicequanimityof the monophonic plainchant, at least in the interpretation set forth by the 19th-century Benedictine monks of ...
in musical time.” Actually, the relative presence or lack of rhythmic differentiation in the duration of tones can act as a decisive stylistic determinant. Thus the rhythmicequanimityof the monophonic plainchant, at least in the interpretation set forth by the 19th-century Benedictine monks of ...
Excommunication, form of ecclesiastical censure by which a person is excluded from the communion of believers, the rites or sacraments of a church, and the rights of church membership but not necessarily from membership in the church as such. All Christi