There are an incredible number of mollies out there with different body colors, body shapes, and fin types. One livebearer enthusiast breaks it down so you can even breed your own strain. My 50-Year Hobby “Da lady at da fish sto’ tol’ me dat da big black one is pregnant and gonna...
The habitat of mollies in the wild can vary quite a bit. These freshwater fish have a wide natural distribution. While most are found in rivers, they can also swim into brackish waters or even the open ocean for short periods! As a whole, mollies are very adaptable. They like warm wat...
The Cauca Molly has a slender body with shiny scales. Its colors range from silver to yellow. You will notice a dark line that runs from its eye to the base of its tail. It has a short, rounded fin near its belly. This fish is smaller than other mollies, growing up to 2 inches ...
Also called millionfish or rainbow fish, the guppy is another freshwater fish perfect for aquariums. First found in the natural range in northeast South America, guppies can survive for over a week without being fed at all. They are not very selective in terms of diet and are happy with va...
Because whisker shrimp are known to be aggressive towards other shrimp species and fish, the shrimp should be housed with top- or middle-dwelling fish, like hatchetfish, mollies, and platies, that stay out of the whisker shrimp’s way. Whisker shrimp prefer a water temperature of 72–82°F...