cluster headaches are very severe headaches that affect one side of the head in a recurrent manner (occurring in a "cluster" over time). The pain is sometimes described as "drilling," and can be worse than migraine pain in some cases. ...
The cause of abdominal migraine is not known, though children with abdominal migraine may have a family or personal history of migraine headaches. (Guido Mieth/Getty Images) 8. Menstrual Migraine Menstrual migraine refers to migraine attacks that occur during menstruation. They tend to be severe an...
Generally the most intense headaches are migraines, though tension and sinus headaches may also be experienced. To learn more about these three main types of headaches as well as others, read the descriptions below. Migraine Headaches A migraine headache is a recurrent, throbbing headache generally ...
Treatment to relieve tension and migraine headaches includes pain relievers (aspirin, ibuprofen, acetaminophen/Tylenol), medications (triptans, trigger point injections), rest, ice, heat, massage, biofeedback, and others. There are a number of different types of headaches, and relief of a headache ...
'Headaches, Types of: Cluster, Migraine, and Tension' published in 'Encyclopedia of Behavioral Medicine'
Migraines are a type of headache with signs and symptoms of sensitivity to light, smells, or sounds, eye pain, nausea, and vomiting. A migraine aura may precede an attack. Learn migraine triggers, treatments, medications, and home remedies.
Migraine with aura is a condition that usually includes intense headaches along with sensory disruptions like dizziness, ringing in your ears, zigzag lines in your vision, or sensitivity to light. About a quarter of migraine attacks include these sensory changes, called auras. But you may not hav...
4. Migraine headaches -Migraines can run in families and are diagnosed using certain criteria. • At least five previous episodes of headaches • Lasting between 4–72 hours • At least two out of these four: one-sided pain, throbbing pain, moderate-to-severe pain, and pain that interf...
Status migrainosus is a constant migraine attack that lasts more than 72 hours. Other types ofheadachescan also cause intense pain, and not all headachesare migraines. For example, some describe the pain ofcluster headachesas the worst pain they have experienced. Sinus headachescan also cause ...
“migraine” comes from the Greekhemikrania,which means “half a skull”). It is usually accompanied by nausea, vomiting, blurred vision, and tingling and numbness in the limbs that can last up to eighteen hours. Ocular migraines, cluster headaches and tension headaches are often included in ...