This paper proposes a new design for dual-band Circularly Polarized (CP) microstrip antennas. CP antennas are advantageous for indoor communications due to their intrinsic robustness to multipath. ...
These antennas are also known as patch antennas. A micro strip patch antenna consists of a radiating patch that is bonded to a dielectric substrate on one side and has a ground plane on the other side. The patch is generally composed of conducting materials like copper or gold. The operation...
Loop Antenna Cloverleaf Antenna Travelling Wave Antennas Helical Antennas Yagi-Uda Antennas Spiral Antennas Reflector Antennas Corner Reflector Parabolic Reflector (Dish Antenna) Microstrip Antennas Rectangular Microstrip (Patch) Antennas Planar Inverted-F Antennas (PIFA)...
TypesofDirectionalAntennas •MicrostripAntenna:Microstriporpatchantennasare becomingincreasinglyusefulbecausetheycanbe printeddirectlyontoacircuitboard.Microstrip antennasarebecomingverywidespreadwithinthe mobilephonemarket.Patchantennasarelowcost, havealowprofileandareeasilyfabricated. ...
Antenna’s micro-strip/patch can be selected to be rectangular, square, elliptical & circular for ease of analysis and fabrication. Some microstrip antennas do not utilize a dielectric substrate but they are made with a metal patch that is mounted on a ground plane with dielectric spacers; thu...
TypesofDirectionalAntennas •MicrostripAntenna:Microstriporpatchantennasare becomingincreasinglyusefulbecausetheycanbe printeddirectlyontoacircuitboard.Microstrip antennasarebecomingverywidespreadwithinthe mobilephonemarket.Patchantennasarelowcost, havealowprofileandareeasilyfabricated. ...
Once such example is the Patch antenna. The primary advantage of the Patch antenna is that it is very low profile and may be mounted on a ceiling or wall. It is usually constructed from a half wavelength microstrip mounted on a substrate above a ground plane. Patch antennas are typically ...
Antennas 72 and 87 include a directional or omni-directional antenna, including, for example, a dipole antenna, a monopole antenna, a patch antenna, a loop antenna, a microstrip antenna, or various other types of antennas suitable for transmission and/or reception of data packet signals. The...
Numerical simulation of microstrip circuits using unconditional stable CN-FDTD method combined with preconditioned GMRES stable CN-FDTD method combined with preconditioned GMRES[C]// International Microwave and Millimeter Wave Technology, April 21-24 , 2008, Nanjing, China. ... Y Yang,RS Chen - Inte...
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