The mice fed with daytime milk, which contained more casein (酪蛋白), were more anxious than those fed with night milk.These given night milk, which contained more tryptophan (色氨酸) and melatonin (褪黑素), were less active during daytime. According to the study of my research group, ...
Communication plays an integral role in human social dynamics and is impaired in several neurodevelopmental disorders. Mice are used to study the neurobiology of social behavior; however, the extent to which mouse vocalizations influence social dynamics has remained elusive because it is difficult to ...
gardens, and streets. But that’s just one species of mouse i.e., “house mouse”. In reality, there are many types of mice in the world with diverse characteristics and behaviors. Their way of living is different and they also act differently. Some live in the wild...
We used scRNA-seq by CEL-Seq2 (refs.44,45) to examine the cellular heterogeneity of CD45–EpCAM+TECs from 4-week-old (postnatal day (P) 28) mice (Extended Data Fig.1a, b). Cells with similar transcriptional profiles were identified by Louvain clustering using VarID46, and their predic...
The red wolf is not the same species as the gray wolf, although there is speculation that they are a naturally occurring hybridization of grey wolves and coyotes. These animals used to be found most areas of the southeastern US, however now they are only found in southeastern Texas and Louis...
The peptide HPV18E67-75 was selected as the optimal peptide for responses in C57BL/6 mice by mapping HPV18E7 peptide pools in a number of pilot experiments carried out in our lab [16]. All peptides were dissolved in DMSO at 50 mg/ml and used at 5 μg/ml in experiments. PMA (50 ...
In this regard, mice were then randomly divided into 8 groups of 5 mice. Four hours after mice were infected by Plasmodium berghei , they received methanolic plant extract by intraperitoneal injection. The treatment was continued for 4 consecutive days (every 24h), then on the fifth and ...
C57BL/6 mice were bred and maintained in our animal facility in pathogen-free conditions. All mice used were 5–7-weeks-old. For anti-CD20 mediated depletion 100 μg IgG2b isotype control (Biolegend, Clone: RTK4530) or anti-CD20 (Biolegend, Clone: SA271G2) was injected intravenously...
Effect of types of phosphate preparations used on the quality of emulsion-type sausages The objective of the research study was to determine the effect of phosphate preparations added in the form of 1 % aqueous solutions of various pH values o... M Chmiel,K Dasiewicz,M Sowiński - Zywnosc...
However, the role of either cell type during natural visual behavior is unknown. In previous work, we demonstrated that mice use vision to detect, orient toward, and pursue live crickets [12]. The prey capture paradigm therefore provides an opportunity to determine how distinct cell types ...