Asthma-COPD overlap syndrome.If you haveasthmathat doesn't respond to usual treatments along with breathing problems typical of COPD, your doctor may give you this dual diagnosis. Your doctor also might say that your asthma is "refractory" or severe. Most people with asthma do not have COPD....
COPD stands for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and is a chronic lung condition. Learn the definition, types, causes, risk factors, signs, diagnosis, stages, and treatment for COPD.
They can record the amount of daily exercise, alcohol and caffeine intake, and medication. The diary will include the patient's personal assessment of their alertness at various times of the day on 2 consecutive days within the 2-week period. What Is the Treatment for Insomnia? In general, ...
Always have two bottles of each type you use on hand. You don't need to refrigerate vials of insulin that you're using. A good rule of thumb is that if thetemperatureis comfortable for you, the insulin is safe. You can store the bottle that you're using at room temperature (not hig...
(FDA) for the treatment of mildly resistant depression and is thought to be a helpful addition to medication in the treatment of bipolar disorder in individuals who have not responded to at least one trial of medication. However, it is not yet considered to be an adequate treatment for this...
Herbal remedies have been used to treat male fertility. It is important to let your doctor know if you are taking any over-the-counter supplements, including herbs, as there may be potential side effects and also potential interactions with prescribed medication prednisone online pharmacy. The foll...
Lamotrigine (Lamictal) has caused life-threatening and disfiguring rashes. At the first sign of rash, the medication should be discontinued. There is no guarantee though, the rash won't continue to progress once the drug is withdrawn. Coagulation problems and other blood-related issues may also ...
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Dry powder inhalers (DPIs) were developed to overcome the problems of hand-breath coordination. The device delivers a measured dose of powdered medication that you need to inhale from a preloaded chamber.12 People who lack inhaling strength, such as those with COPD, may find these devices diff...
Another method of providing inhaled beta-agonists is by using a metered dose inhaler or MDI. An MDI delivers a standard dose of medication per puff. MDIs are often used along with a "spacer" or holding chamber. A dose of six to eight puffs is sprayed into the spacer, which is then inh...