They can accommodate thousands of people on a single voyage, and due to their popularity, the cruise ship sector has become a major source of employment and income in the maritime industry. Apart from these two, there are other passenger ships, including pilgrimage vessels, liners, etc. High...
A fractional rig sloop’s forestay does not cross the top of the mast; instead, it attaches at a lower position. On a windy day when full power isn’t required, a fractional rig helps the crew to bent the tops of the mast and flatten the sails, improving performance. Fractional rigged...
The ship is very similar to a brig, generally with two masts equipped with square rigged sails. Although there was a bit of variation depending on the individual vessels, this class of ship was typically in the 150 to 200 ton range. In later years, when whaling became less popular, many...
A vertical structure that looks like a ship’s mast is anchored to the ground and a large power-operated platform moves up and down the mast. For larger platforms, two masts may be used. 13. Mobile (Manual or Propelled) Scaffolding This is the only type of scaffolding that is easily ...
Ship, any large floating vessel capable of crossing open waters, as opposed to a boat, which is generally a smaller craft. The term formerly was applied to sailing vessels having three or more masts; in modern times it usually denotes a vessel of more th
The name of a sail is frequentlyderivedfrom the name of the piece ofriggingon which it is set or from its location with reference to a nearby piece of gear. The nearestmastis often the primary reference point; therefore, the names of the masts and their location are important. Starting at...
Caravel Pirate Ship Probablythe most used ship of the 15th century, but also used in the 16th and 17th. The original, Mediterranean version, was lateen rigged (the sails shaped like triangle) on the two masts. Later, Spanish and Portuguese developed caravel into a three-mastedshipwith the ...
Submarine, any naval vessel that is capable of propelling itself beneath the water as well as on the water’s surface. This is a unique capability among warships, and submarines are quite different in design and appearance from surface ships. Submarines
The plan was to have the Turtle make an underwater approach to a British warship, attach a charge of gunpowder to the ship’s hull by a screw device operated from within the craft, and leave before the charge was exploded by a time fuse. In the actual attack, however, the Turtle was...
Tanker, ship designed to carry liquid cargo in bulk within its cargo spaces, without the use of barrels or other containers. Most tankers carry either crude oil from oil fields to refineries or petroleum products such as gasoline, diesel fuel, fuel oil,