There are three different types of master data in BI:1. Attributes Attributes are InfoObjects that are logically subordinate to a characteristic. You cannot select attributes in the query. You assign the attributes Person responsible for the cost center and Telephone number of the person responsible...
In SAP mainly three type of tables:- Master table ( Master data tables- EKKO , MARA) Transperant Tables, System tables.(System tables like SYST, ADRC, T005 ). Transparent Table : Exists with the same structure both in dictionary as well as in database exactly with the same data and fi...
Dear all, I would like to share Certain object types and Form types of SAP B1. Introduction Nothing special, just a small overview of SAP Business One Object Types and
SAP CCA - Activity Types SAP CCA - Master Data SAP CCA - Cost Center Groups SAP CCA - Creating a Cost Center SAP CCA - Cost Center Posting SAP CCA - Linking Order Reason SAP CCA - Internal Order SAP CCA - Settlement of IO SAP CCA - Profit Center SAP CCA - Postings to Profit Center...
Movement type in SAP is a 3-digit code that is used to identify the type of material movement in the system. The movement type is used to determine the type of transaction being executed, such as goods receipt, goods issue, transfer posting, or stock transfer....
SAP Note: 1418914 explains AET (Application Enhancement Tool) VS EEWB. SAP Note: 1874824 Usage of EEWB in Product Master Data Reltype table is COMM_IL_<reltype-id> for SAP delivered reltypes and ZOMM_IL_<reltype-id>, for customer specific reltypes. ...
To make this assignment work, the Business Add-In (BAdI)BADI_UPARM_BRWS_CLT_ASSIGNmust be created for the view. The BAdIBADI_UPARM_READ_MASTER_DATAcan also be implemented to control how the results are fetched from the database.
Define Field Selections under SAP Material Master The following controls the field status of a field in material master data:- Material Type Transaction Code Industry sector Plant Procurement type (internal/external) Similar fields are organized under different groups called field selection groups. ...
Amazon DynamoDBis a fully managed, document and key-value database. It includes features for multi-master, multi-region used along with built-in security, automated backup and restoration, and in-memory caching. DynamoDB can provide support for serverless web apps, microservices, and mobile backe...
MasterPage MatchBrace MatchCase MatchTag MatchType MaterialDiffuse MaterialEmissive MaterialSpecular 矩陣 MDIParent MDXQuery 量值 MeasureCalculate MeasureExpression MeasureTree MeasureWH 媒體 MediaZoom 中 MeesageGroupError Megaphone 成員 MemberData MemberError MemberFilter MemberFolderClosed MemberFolderOpened Memb...