we must understand the main advantage of this environment is to be able to create and manage all identities on-premises. To avoid falling into conditions where the same object could be updated in different directories, there must always be a side that will prevail over th...
Combining Magical Effects: Theeffects of different spells add together while the durations of those spells overlap. The effects of thesame spell cast multiple times don't combine, however. Instead, the most potent effect—such as the highest bonus from those castings applies while t...
Artifacts are essentially items created by — or with the assistance of — deities, or by other means that puts them outside the realm of mere magic. But deities and their "spells", even though their "spells" may appear magical, are really more like changes to reality itself and would in...
ConvertFrom-Json is simply taking that JSON text and transforming it into PowerShell [pscustomobject] object(s) to make subsequent scripting a little easier, but there's no magic going on that can convert it into an actual class complete with methods. Typically, what happens where that kind ...