This chapter describes a number of special types of linear programming problems. These problems arise in transportation systems, in communication systems, in pipeline systems, in electrical networks, in the planning and scheduling of projects, and in many other applications. Each of these problems ...
In most programming languages, functions are contravariant with regard to their arguments BIVARIANCE Types are bivariant if, from the subtyping relationship of their underlying types, they become subtypes of each other. In TypeScript, if Triangle is a subtype of Shape, the function types (argument...
Instead of following a sequential or linear execution pattern, the control flow of the event-driven paradigm is determined by events and event handlers. Java with JavaFX and SWING, Python with Tkinter and PkQt, Objective-C, Unity, and more are some examples of event-driven programming languages...
This article reviews our past work on non-standard type systems for program analysis, which started from the motivation for static analysis of concurrent objects. We discuss how the notion of linear types has evolved to behavioral types and higher-order model checking. ...
This paper is a tutorial explaining the concepts that surround abstract data types and object-oriented programming, and the relationships between these groups of concepts. These concepts include types (languagedefied, user-defied, abstract), instantiations, differences between operations and functions, ove...
We present PacLang: an imperative, concurrent, linearly-typed language designed for expressing packet processing applications. PacLang’s linear type system ensures that no packet is referenced by more than one thread, but allows multiple references to a
An Operator Equation and Bounded Solutions of Integro-Differential Systems The proofs rely on an abstract lemma proved for a certain operator equation. In order to apply the perturbation theorems some results are also given concerning bounded solutions of linear integro-differential systems. An applicati...
This thread has been closed, however, a new thread discusses a revised version of the proposal at #111 This proposal introduces a notion of linear function to GHC. Linear functions are regular func...
As a beginner, you can still experience newbie gains — even if you don’t use complex approaches to programming.Linear periodizationis often viewed as a great option for establishing astrong foundation of strength in your main exercises. Similarly to when you’re just looking topack on muscle...
We then present a static type system for the language which allows concise high-level specications of these protocols. The channels on which the constituent communications of these protocols take place are given linear types. This allows us to guarantee that a protocol will not fail to complete ...