The alligator snapping turtle has an unusual way of feeding. The tip of its tongue resembles a worm, and by sitting motionless on the riverbed with its mouth open, the turtle lures fish – attracted by the “worm” – to within snapping range of its powerful jaws. The turtle will also e...
(水母),which many types of turtles love to eat.Yet lots of plastic objects that end up inside turtles have no similarity to jellyfish.Joseph Pfaller of the University of Florida therefore suspects that the smell of marine microorganisms (海洋微生物) which grow on floating p...
Endemicbirdspecies such as the ones mentioned above can be found throughout Cuba, but a good place to see many of them is a rural area south of Najasa town. There are plenty of good snorkeling spots in Cuba such as Playa Pesquero. There, you can see many endemic fish species like the...
Loggerhead turtles (Caretta caretta) are a reddish-brown turtle with a very large head. They are the most common turtle that nests in Florida. Loggerhead turtles can be 3.5 feet long and weigh up to 400 pounds. They feed oncrabs, mollusks, and jellyfish. Loggerheads live in temperate and ...
Swim where lifeguards are present, and check the conditions as there can often be riptides or strong undertow conditions. Sometimes jellyfish are dead on the beach, which means there could be some in the water too. Also be aware that hurricane season in Florida runs from June 1st through No...