下載JDBC 驅動程式SQL Server 2005 (9.x) 中引進的使用者定義類型 (UDT),可透過在 SQL Server 資料庫中儲存通用語言執行平台 (CLR) 物件,讓開發人員能夠擴充伺服器的純量類型系統。 與傳統別名資料類型不同,UDT 可以包含多個元素,且可具有由單一 SQL Server 系統資料類型組成的行為。 在過去,UDT 的大小上限為...
JDBC驱动可以使Java程序打开数据库连接,并发送SQL(DDL,DML)或者数据库命令,执行结果以Java数据类型返回。从实现的角度来讲:它是对Java的JDBC API的实现,由第三方数据库厂商来完成。 JDBC Driver Types 由于操作系统、硬件平台的多样性, Sun公司将JDBC实现分为4种类型(Type1 ,2,3,4)。下面就对这四种类型分别进行...
The getUnicodeStream and getBigDecimal with scale methods are deprecated and are not supported by the JDBC driver. Updating data by data type If you have to update the value of a field in a data source, use one of the update<Type> methods of the SQLServerResultSet class. In the following...
Download JDBC driver Operations in a relational database act on a complete set of rows. The set of rows returned by a SELECT statement consists of all the rows that satisfy the conditions in the WHERE clause of the statement. This complete set of rows returned by the statement is known as...
are supported starting JDBC Driver preview release 6.5.0. Spatial data types are currently not supported with stored procedures, Table Valued Parameters (TVP), BulkCopy, and Always Encrypted. This page shows various use cases of Geometry and Geography data types with the JDBC Driver. For an over...
A request is a call made to a component that performs a service. For example, a call to execute a SQL statement through a JDBC driver or a data source. The following list provides some of the typical J2EE requests that are interesting to monitor, they are all standard J2EE requests that...
Driver/Datasource Class Name Connection URL Syntax Configuration Properties JDBC API Implementation Notes Java, JDBC, and MySQL Types Handling of Date-Time Values Using Character Sets and Unicode Using Query Attributes Connecting Securely Using SSL Connecting Using Unix Domain Sockets Connec...
The type map relates a Java class to the SQL type name of an Oracle object. This one-to-one mapping is stored in a hash table as a keyword-value pair. When you read data from an Oracle object, the JDBC driver considers the type map to determine which Java class to use to ...
The Hypersistence Utils project defines a list of optional dependencies that you will have to declare explicitly in your project in order to use them. The reason why all these dependencies are optional, like Guava, Jackson, or PostgreSQL JDBC Driver, is that not all projects may need them. ...
Amazon Redshift and PostgreSQL JDBC and ODBC Features that are implemented differently Unsupported PostgreSQL features Unsupported PostgreSQL data types Unsupported PostgreSQL functions Using SQL SQL reference conventions Basic elements Names and identifiers Literals Nulls Data types Numeric types Computations with...