*Provided Kanji translates as Mioroshi Deba which is the correct spelling, however, incorrect Miroshi is pretty much de-facto translation in western world. Mochikiri ( 餅切) - Dedicated knife for cutting Mochi - Japanese rice cake. Moroha Usuba ( 諸刃薄刃) - A double bevel usuba is called...
Words classified by the different levels of the Japanese-Language Proficiency Test. Open Field of application Words classified by their field of application. For example: manga, computing, architecture, etc. Open Dialect Words specifically associated with regional dialects of Japanese. These dialects...
Married and single women, for example, traditionally wear different styles of kimono. The world of Japanese traditional garments is intricate, so before choosing your kimono, let’s explore the options. With this list of 13 types of kimono for women, you’ll be sure to find the perfect one ...
Kana Enter the Kana spelling of the Kanji term name. Type Select the basic type name to which the term should be assigned. See the topic Available Types for Japanese Text for more information. Sentiment Type If secondary analysis will be performed, select the sentiment type name to which ...
In Japanese, the kanji character for "rei" can refer to something being cold. In this case, it doesn't mean cold sake but room temperature, which is typically about 20℃. Other kinds of sake aren't suited to being consumed at room temperature. But when Japanese sake is served at this...
The diameter of the average katana tsuba is 7.5-8 centimetres (3.0-3.1 in), wakizashi tsuba is 6.2-6.6 cm (2.4-2.6 in), and tanto tsuba is 4.5-6 cm (1.8-2.4 in). learn more:Types of tsuba Kozuka The kozuka is a short knife attached to a Japanese sword. It is a short blade in...
One aspect of Japanese writing which may also be associated with stereotypes that has been less studied is furigana. Traditionally written in hiragana or katakana, furigana are annotations serving a metalingual function, and are primarily used to give the pronunciations of unknown or obscure kanji ...
Japanese kanji sometimes vary from the original hanzi characters, as the Japanese writing system omitted some of the Chinese characters and simplified others. That said, most kanji characters still have a similar appearance to their hanzi counterparts. The characters may also vary slightly in meaning...
Kameyama Kengōro bears as a badge: Argent, the kanjishuwithin a Japanese well-frame sable. This entry was posted on June 8, 2014, in . Wave Wave (Disallowed) Japanese great wave (Disallowed) A wave is a crest or swell on the surface of a body of water. Two stylizations are found ...
500 BCE, and since then it’s become an integral part of the Japanese diet. The name “sashimi” literally means “cut body” in Japanese, but it uses the kanji character for “pierce” rather than “cut” as the kanji for “cut” was considered an auspicious term reserved for samurai....