Types of housing in Canada include: 加拿大的房屋类型有: Single house: This is a detached house, usually with a front and a back yard. 独立屋:这是独立的房子,通常有前后院。 Semi-detached and townhouses: Each house shares a wall with another. 半独立屋或联排屋:每个房子会和另一个房子合用一...
Types of Housing 作者:hnouvang 分类:家庭起居 duplex
Types of housing in Canada include: 加拿大的房屋类型有: Single house: This is a detached house, usually with a front and a back yard. 独立屋:这是独立的房子,通常有前后院。 Semi-detached and townhouses: Each house shares a wall with another. 半独立屋或联排屋:每个房子会和另一个房子合用一...
Types of housing in Canada include: 加拿大的房屋类型有: Single house: This is a detached house, usually with a front and a back yard. 独立屋:这是独立的房子,通常有前后院。 Semi-detached and townhouses: Each house shares a wall with another. 半独立屋或联排屋:每个房子会和另一个房子合用一...
房屋类单词卡片-types of house TypesofHousing&Communities 房屋及社区 公寓大楼 apartmentbuilding 房子 house 双联式房屋 duplex 双门联式房屋 (两家合局,但各自分开)two-familyhouse 二层或三层楼多栋联建住宅 townhouse/townhome 各户拥有独立产权的公寓 condominium/condo 宿舍 dormitory/dorm 移动式房屋 mobile...
This type of housing is a great investment for those looking for rental income or to accommodate extended family members more conveniently. Condo A condominium, or condo, is a type of residential ownership where you own your individual living space within a building. ...
amining towns of Jos (tin and columbite), Enuga (coal), Kaduna (defence) and[translate] ahierarchy in which social and industrial innovations could be diffused to the[translate] aeach other. Different types of housing, health clinics and schools were[translate]...
City Planning Must Include All Types of HousingA recently published National Household Survey indicated between 2006 and 2011, there was an...By MooreMike
How many styles of houses are there? There are as many as 36 different styles of houses. Of course. the five most popular make up a large part of the housing market: Ranch, Craftsman, Tudor style homes, Colonial style, and Cape Cod style. What are the 5 types of houses? The top fi...
Gebremedhin, N 1971 Some traditional types of housing in Ethiopia, in Oliver, P (ed) Shelter in Africa, 106-123. Barrie and Jenkins, London.Gebremedhin, N. (1971). Some traditional types of housing in Ethiopia. In Oliver, P. (ed.), Shelter in Africa , Praeger Publishers, New York...